
Having spent few years in his early 20’s trying to find a true Kundalini Yoga master, Ravi eventually came across Yogiraj Siddhanath’s video’s on Youtube in 2010. After watching his videos, he felt a strong connection with the spiritual master and registered himself on Yogiraj’s global website www.siddhanath.org for communications regarding Kundalini Kriya Yoga initiations in Australia. He got initiated in July 2011 by Senior Kriyacharya Jyoti Subramaniam on her visit to Australia. Having practiced Kriya Yoga meditation for few months, he got an opportunity to meet Yogiraj at Siddhanath Forest Ashram in Pune, India during 2011 December retreat. Spending time with a true spiritual master in peaceful and vibrant surroundings of Sita-Mai Valley strengthened his belief about the authenticity of ancient Kundalini Kriya Yoga practices and the presence of Spiritual masters to guide the sincere seekers in these practices.
Ever since then he is practicing as per master’s instructions and helping Kriyayogaaustralia in spreading the word about the Lightning path to self-realisation. In December 2017 he was authorized by Yogiraj to teach Mahavtar Babaji’s Kundalini Kriya Yoga, Siddhanath Surya Yoga and Golden lotus meditation. Ravi lives in North Brisbane and holds these meditation sessions in and around Northern Brisbane and Sunshine coast.
He can be contacted by phone on 0450098115 or email at ravi@kriyayogaaustralia. com